Fully titled: Deploying the Max-Sum Algorithm for Decentralised Coordination and
Task Allocation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Live Aerial Imagery
This was the first paper I was asked to read, mostly because it provides a pithy overview of what's so-far been achieved in the field of UAV co-ordination in disaster relief. The content of this post may vary between technical discussion and general overview so I apologise in advance if it seems a bit two-toned.
The paper introduces a method called the Max-Sum algorithm as a way of co-ordinating UAVs as required, and outlines its virtues. It then mentions several results in simulations before showing some empirical examples from a real-world demonstration involving two hexacopters.
Picture of a hexacopter from the paper in question |
I already mentioned in the introduction a bunch of the challenges of co-ordinating the UAVs (or rather, allowing the UAVs to co-ordinate themselves). The paper re-iterates these and adds that existing co-ordination methods and algorithms don't address the uncertainty of a task's completion: obviously if a UAV fails, if the task changes, or if the emergency services require a different task to take priority this could potentially be a big problem for real-world applications. A first responder isn't going to know precisely how long they require imagery from a location. It could depend on what they see in the first place.
Addressing the problem of the de-centralised nature of the system (ie. no central computer: all shared out) the paper notes that they've included the computing power of the first responders' PDAs in order to help the calculations. Since the imagery will be sent directly to the PDAs, they'll have to be in communication with the UAVs anyway so this seems sensible.
Max Sum
The best way of beginning to find a solution to a problem like this is to express it mathematically. To that end, the authors of the paper present something called a "Utility function", which essentially gives a numerical value to a task which might be attended to by a UAV. The higher the number, the better. In principle one can imagine the UAVs working out all of these values for every task they can go to, and then working out how to get the highest overall number for the whole system.
Simple example where each UAV can attend one task |
Max Sum is a message-passing algorithm which allows this to happen through UAVs passing messages to their nearest neighbours. As such, no single agent knows the whole "picture"- but by knowing how they affect the system they can all work out the best course of action.
Explicitly, the paper describes the Utility function of a task i for all agents (UAVs) which can attend the task x_i:
The first two terms codify the priority and urgency of the task at hand (the urgency being dependant on the submission time and the current time). The last term in brackets is the solution to a probability function describing how likely it is that the UAV's battery will run out during the task. The reason this can't be stated exactly is that the paper is enforcing the condition that it's impossible to know in-advance exactly how long a task will take.

With the utility function designed, the Max-Sum implementation involves the passing of limited messages between 'functions' and 'variables'; which in this case are the PDAs and UAVs respectively. Messages from variables to functions take the form of "here's the maximum values the rest of the system can achieve for the possible task allocations, if you take one of a number of options". For example, if there are three tasks, the variable (UAV) will tell the function (PDA) the maximum utility values for the rest of the system for each possible task assignment of whatever other variables the function is attached to.
The messages from the functions to the variables are similar in the sense that they return values corresponding to what task is taken by the variable they're attached to, and they give the maximum possible utility that their variable can produce.
By adding together incoming messages, variables reach the stage where they have a series of 'maximums' for each available task that they can undertake. They then choose the highest value available to them. For example if a variable receives messages from all its neighbours for three tasks giving the maximums as (2,19,8) for tasks 1,2 and 3 respectively, then the variable (ie. the UAV) will move to task 2 regardless of what its own individual utility for the task is.
This happens continuously, with the UAVs updating what they're doing all the time. It also doesn't have to happen in a particular order, as UAVs will change their behaviour as soon as information is available to them. That's a particularly non-rigorous explanation of Max-sum and I fear I've grossly understated its utility and robustness for this kind of situation.
Simulations in the paper dealt with a few different scenarios including some where parts of the utility function were left out- for instance some scenarios ignored the urgency of a task. Those experiments where the total function was used produced better results in returning high-priority tasks and avoiding running out of power mid-task. This is important information as it confirms the viability of using this sort of method in real situations where everything needs to be considered.
Finally empirical evidence is shown of real UAV flight tests conducted in Australia where two UAVs faced three different scenarios: two tasks at the same time, two tasks arriving one after the other (the second with a higher priority), and a situation with three eventual tasks but where one UAV doesn't know about one of the tasks. In brief, the UAVs conducted the tasks properly. A video can be seen
here which includes a quick overview of the simulations too.
Most of the paper seems pretty straightforward and with a bit of extra reading I'm fairly happy I understand the Max Sum algorithm; which is good since it seems to form the backbone of this project. The videos of the real UAVs is nice as it presents things in a very obvious and straightforward way, but it does raise a few questions. Firstly I'm curious why in the examples the UAVs don't follow a straight path to the tasks, but rather 'wiggle' their way there. It would be interesting to find out if this is a result of the algorithm itself or something to do with the UAVs' hardware. Another curiosity is that for the second example the UAVs actually swap over mid-way to moving to their tasks. Initially they move to the closest target (which makes sense) but thereafter they swap over before settling over the target.
Possibly, this is because of the battery-life aspect of the utility function (which isn't obvious just from looking at the video), since the only other factor is really the distance to the target. If the battery life was not a factor this suggests something funny going on with the algorithm that isn't at all intuitive.
The paper finishes suggesting that the scenario needs to be extended to more complex systems with more UAVs: something I'd be very keen to be involved in.